9 -11

Today has been a tough morning for most of us watching and participating in the many 9-11 memorial services happening accross the nation.  As I prepare to go shoot a ceremony this afternoon, I remember trying to leave the city(DC) that day 10 years ago in all the chaos. It didnt seem real.

Earlier this year I took my sister and her family sightseeing in DC. We snapped this image of the memorial at the Pentagon.

This partuclar bench was in honor of Angela M. Houtz.  I didnt know Angela, it was just one of the nearly 200 benches.

Today we are all thinking about Angela and the many others that lost their lives that day and their surviving families.

Here is a link to the Pentagon bio of Angela.

Angela M. Houtz



The land of Fire and Ice

  Just finishing up some packing before heading out to Iceland.  I am really looking forward to a week of exploration and image creation.  I told my son I will be near the North Pole and his only request was for me to take pictures of the abominable snowman (the one from Rudolph).  Maybe I will get lucky.

Take care and be back soon. 


Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra - freelance assignment

Plenty of sites and sounds to see and hear over the holiday weekend. Here are a few images of the University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra who performed at Market Square in downtown Fredericksburg.

click on images to enlarge

reflection of Market Square

crowd enjoys the orchestra

trumpet soloist, Jim Ford, performs with the orchestra

Director Kevin Bartram conducts the orchestra