Clean up the Butts

As part of a weeklong series of events in the region to celebrate America Recycles, volunteers got together at the city dock in Fredericksburg on Saturday. Their mission - to pick up any cigarette butts that others may have left behind. The group is involved with many recycling and other eco causes.

The full story can be found here.


Nancy Quinn of Stafford volunteers for the "Clean Up the Butts" campaign

Paula Chow of Fredericksburg picks up cigarette butts yesterday at City Dock as part of America Recycles Week. She is with the Rappahannock Group Sierra Club, a sponsor.



Camp Out, Rock Out, Knock Out Homelessness

Students and volunteers camped out overnight to raise awareness and take in donations for the homeless students of Spotsylvania.

The full story can be found here.

A paper bear for each of the 325 homeless Spotsylvania students on display


Spotsy Middle student Tristen Padgett (left) & Spotsylvania High senior Samantha Woodall prepare their tent for the cold & wet night to help raise awareness

Mount Hope Baptist Church

Last Sunday, I covered Homecoming for the Mount Hope Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA. This was a very special occasion as they also celebrated paying off their mortgage.

The full story can be found here.

Pastor Raymod Bell Jr. addresses his congregation during Homecoming Service celebrating the burning of their mortgage.