Emily Osment (freelance assignment)

Saturday I covered an appearence by Emily Osment at the Spostylvania Towne Centre.  It was quite a scene with the thousands of kids and their families, some waiting in line for over 5 hours to see the Hannah Montana sidekick.  She signed autographs for a couple hours and then finished up with a Q&A with her young fans.  Despite the long line, her fans were so excited to get a chance to meet the young TV and recording star.

The full story can be found here.

Here are a few images of the appearance.

The line stretched through the entire mall

local radio stations were on hand

Emily making her entrance



Military Appreciation Day

The Fredericksburg Area Military Appreciation Day was held on Saturday, Nov. 13 at the National Guard Armory.  It was an all-day event that included military demonstrations, music, food and awards given to many local heroes that have served.  Paul Galanti, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services, a Vietnam Veteran and prisoner of war, was also in attendance and delivered the keynote address.  Below are a few images of the event.

The full story can be found here.

click on images to enlarge





Century Ride

Barbara Ellis, 73, is doing a "Century" dressage ride this weekend.  To be eligible, the ages of the horse and the rider must total 100.  Here are a few images of her training for the event.

The full story can be found here.

click on images to enlarge




Cardinal football tryouts (freelance assignment)

On Saturday at Old Mill Park, I covered tryouts for the Cardinals, a semi-pro football team from Fredericksburg.

This is an indoor football team that plays other area Virginia teams.  They are considered "semi-pro" because these teams have corporate sponsors and players get paid a modest sum for their participation.



To see additional images go here and select "Client proofs".  Password is cardinals

The full story can be found here.

Troopers play softball for Autism (freelance assignment)

The 9th Annual East Coast Regional Women's State Police Charity Softball Tournament was held at Patriot Park in Spotsylvania on Sunday.  More than 250 female troopers from nine states battled it out on the softball fields to help raise money and awareness for autistic children and their families.

Special guests included Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Virginia Secretary of Public Saftey Maria Graff Decker

Below are additional images I captured of the event.

all images © Tom Rothenberg Photography llc