Celebrate Virginia Live - freelance assignment
On Sunday I covered the latest show from the Celebrate Virginia Live series at the Job.com Pavilion in Fredericksburg, VA. The concert featured local artist Kevin Mac, followed by Easton Corbin and country superstar Trace Adkins.
click on images to enlarge
Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra - freelance assignment
Plenty of sites and sounds to see and hear over the holiday weekend. Here are a few images of the University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra who performed at Market Square in downtown Fredericksburg.
click on images to enlarge
trumpet soloist, Jim Ford, performs with the orchestra
Director Kevin Bartram conducts the orchestra
one last circus image
the circus series
Civil War 150th Anniversary (freelance assignment)
The Fredericksburg area kicked off some major events that marked the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The first of the day was a tour of the Brompton House grounds. Tours were led by National Park Rangers explaining the importance the land and former home of John Lawrence Marye during the conflict.
The second event of the day took me to Fredericksburg Baptist Church, where authors and historians lectured on the Secession and the Confederate Revolution.
The full story can be found here.
Emily Osment (freelance assignment)
Saturday I covered an appearence by Emily Osment at the Spostylvania Towne Centre. It was quite a scene with the thousands of kids and their families, some waiting in line for over 5 hours to see the Hannah Montana sidekick. She signed autographs for a couple hours and then finished up with a Q&A with her young fans. Despite the long line, her fans were so excited to get a chance to meet the young TV and recording star.
The full story can be found here.
Here are a few images of the appearance.
The line stretched through the entire mall
local radio stations were on hand
Emily making her entrance
2010 World Wide Photowalk - that's a wrap
Today was the 3rd annual World Wide Photowalk with over 1100 walks across the globe and over 35,000 people participating. I again took part in the Fredericksburg walk with almost 40 other people. We got an early start so we were done before we hit 100 degrees. It was a good time and met some interesting people along the way.
Below are some of my favorites I captured. Click on any image to enlarge.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
Festival Français and l’Omelette Géante
Today was the Festival Francais at the New Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg. This event celebrates the 30th anniversary as a sister city with Fréjus, France, with a fabulous French Market of over 30 vendors and the cooking of a Giant Omelet (5,000 eggs) for all to share.
I want to thank all the folks who stopped by my booth and purchased prints. It was a pleasure to talk to all the friendly people. It was a real scorcher out there but there was a great turnout.
A very special thank you to my lovely wife who helped me throughout the event.
I had to man my booth for the event but I did manage to get away to capture some images of the band "Foul Play". They also sounded great.
4th of July
Well we finally did it - After weeks of talking about it and deciding on a breed we got a new puppy today. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer. We haven't named him yet but will decide this weekend. Blizten seems to really like him. She has certainly missed Donner so I think she was ready, too. They played chase games around the yard for much of the evening.
The whole family, especially Josh, is very happy about our new buddy. I will let you know what we decide about a name. But could use some suggestions, so shoot them my way if you have any good ideas.
Heritage Festival
Before we picked up the dog we headed over to the annual Heritage Festival in downtown Fredericksburg. It's a day filled with bands, food, crafts, raft races and even a parade. We didnt stay long but had a great time. Here are a few images of the event.
And finally - get the cameras out to take some cool shots of the fireworks tomorrow night. For something different, try some long exposures and someone light painting with sparklers. These are a few I did last year.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July