Fredericksburg Fair
Spent some time with my family today at the Fredericksburg Fair. Josh had a great time riding rides with Megan. I usually ride along too, but was busy doing some people watching with Allie. The weather was a little overcast but made for a very comfortable day to go see the sights.
Here are some of my unsuspecting models for the day. You just never know when you will make my blog.
Click an image to enlarge
Spooky Flower
I don't often take pictures of flowers. It is not that I don't appreciate a good floral image, just not my cup of tea. So typically when I do venture out and take a flower image - I begin to experiment. Either with color or composition. I usually end of with something very different from what I captured.
Then there is this image. Not sure about you but as soon as I started processing it - I could only see a ghost in the brush. See it, please tell me it's not just me.
Anyway, what was a very pretty flower is now a bazaar and freaky image.
Just another reason I will stay away from the floral pics.
2010 World Wide Photowalk - that's a wrap
Today was the 3rd annual World Wide Photowalk with over 1100 walks across the globe and over 35,000 people participating. I again took part in the Fredericksburg walk with almost 40 other people. We got an early start so we were done before we hit 100 degrees. It was a good time and met some interesting people along the way.
Below are some of my favorites I captured. Click on any image to enlarge.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
Guess where...
Time for another edition of "guess where" this photo was taken. Try to be more specific than just a city, but all guesses are welcome. Leave a comment below with your best guess. In the meantime I will try to determine where I was exactly:)
Am I the only one that thinks built-in GPS is long over due for DSLR's? Sure, you can buy a GPS unit for a DSLR - but camera phones and many point and shoots have had this built-in for a long time.
Yeah, I know battery life, extra costs, etc... But it would be a very desirable feature for nearly all types of photography.
Come on Nikon and Canon, get with the program.
4th of July
Well we finally did it - After weeks of talking about it and deciding on a breed we got a new puppy today. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer. We haven't named him yet but will decide this weekend. Blizten seems to really like him. She has certainly missed Donner so I think she was ready, too. They played chase games around the yard for much of the evening.
The whole family, especially Josh, is very happy about our new buddy. I will let you know what we decide about a name. But could use some suggestions, so shoot them my way if you have any good ideas.
Heritage Festival
Before we picked up the dog we headed over to the annual Heritage Festival in downtown Fredericksburg. It's a day filled with bands, food, crafts, raft races and even a parade. We didnt stay long but had a great time. Here are a few images of the event.
And finally - get the cameras out to take some cool shots of the fireworks tomorrow night. For something different, try some long exposures and someone light painting with sparklers. These are a few I did last year.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July
Those little town blues.....
Just got back from New York City. My friend Dave was kind enough to take me to some of his favorite spots. We had a great time and I was able to capture a few decent images along the way. Thanks for the tour and your hospitality Dave.
Also had a couple celebrity sightings along the way. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of them - so you will just have to take my word.
We walked through a filming of Larry David. Don't think cameras were rolling at the moment we walked through the set. But he was there.
And later on as we sat outside eating at an awesome Mexican joint, Mickey Rourke and a lady friend walked right past me.
Anyway, here are some faces and places I did capture.
Enjoy, and have a good day.
Click images to enlarge.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
30 minutes in Downtown Fredericksburg
I had a brief window to run downtown this evening and take some pictures. I gave myself a self assignment to get mostly people shots. Armed only with a 70-200 lens - below are some of my subjects. As always, feel free to leave any comments.
click on images to enlarge
all photos by Tom Rothenberg
Crazy sky tonight
Two for Tuesday
Thermometer Rising
My favorite time of year is definitely upon us. Not so much from a photography perspective but simply from a temperature perspective. Bring on some serious warmth.
Here are a few of my images that always make me think of Summer.
all photos by Tom Rothenberg